Board of Directors

Sh Ashish Gupta

Sh Munish Gupta
Then in 1991, both Munish and Ashish Gupta sons of our founder envisaged the changing scenario of steel in the country and thereby forecasted the demand for quality processing, and thus expanded by setting up three more units from 1991 to 2020 taking the group capacity to 30000 mt per month and turning Allied into the largest Steel Service Centre group in the Northern Region. Allied is also the sole External Processing Agent for Tata Steel in Northern India, processing 25,000 MT per month.

Sh Niren Gupta

Sh Madhav Gupta
In 2010 Niren Gupta joined the business after graduating from University of Southern California in Industrial Engineering and set up our first manufacturing unit for Electrical Stampings to cater to the needs of white goods and electrical motor industries. A fully integrated plant with facilities for lamination stamping, decarburization and aluminum die casting with the best in class machinery was set up in order to provide customers with impeccable quality and end to end solutions.
In 2017 Madhav Gupta also joined the business after graduating from Coventry University in Business Administration. He is now assisting in Operations of the Steel service center business.